• Welcome to our Loyalty Program!

    Unlock a world of rewards with our exclusive loyalty program designed just for you. Join today and start earning credits towards special discounts. It's our way of saying thank you for being a part of our community. Discover the perks, enjoy the savings, and let's embark on this rewarding journey together!

    Use your loyalty program to accumulate credits for the following benefits:

    • 5% off all skin services
    • 5% off skincare
    • 50% off one deluxe HydraFacial

  • Look good, feel confident

    $25 PER WEEK

    For those seeking a revitalising experience, this offer is applicable to all products and treatments.

    Accumulate a $300 credit over 12 weeks to be used in clinic.

    Valid for 3 months.

  • Be the best version of you

    $50 PER WEEK

    For individuals seeking a little more indulgence. This credit can be applied to any service or product.

    Accumulate a $600 credit over 12 weeks to be used in clinic.

    Valid for 6 months.


    • Your membership will be created with a Glow Membership, your bank account will then be debited weekly.
    • The dollar amount paid will be on your account as credit and can be used as a pre-payment towards any treatment or service.
    • The credit on your account is yours to use as you wish, you can gift this, purchase product or pre-pay a service or simply pay the difference of a service of higher value.
    • Credits accumulate for a maximum of 3 months at $25 a week or 6 months at $50 a week.
    • Memberships discounts can not be used in conjunction with any other in-clinic special offer.
    • Memberships can be cancelled at anytime, however refunds will not be issued.
    • One off sign up fee of $5.50.
    • Missed payments/insufficient funds incur off a $5 fee. 
    • Weekly 3% surcharge charged.